Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just another day

So tonight Chris has duty which means he is not coming home. It is also swim lesson night for the kids, after tonight they only have two more lessons until they either repeat or move on to the next level. Here is my dilemma. The husband took my van, the only vehicle with gas. Usually I don't care and I walk to the pool, its only 10 minutes away and I like the exercise, but then again the last several times I walked it was beautiful out, with warm weather and sunny skies, but today its cold, and overcast and even though the Doppler says it wont rain I live in an area that the weather is hardly ever right and rain happens allot. So do I walk, hoping it wont rain till I get back home at 5:45 or do I take the Truck which I cant drive because its like driving a bus too me and I fear I will get in an accident, plus to fill it up with gas would cost around 90 dollars. There is the other choice, just not going, they haven't missed one yet and lots of kids have missed before them, so it wont hurt them at all to miss one, right? so why do I feel so guilty then if I even think about not going? Jordan could care less, he would rather be off playing with friends, but Hannah loves swimming and looks forward to her Tuesdays and Thursday swim lessons. I wonder if I bribe them with the fun pool this weekend to make up for lake of swim lesson? That just might work. Plus I really don't feel the best, so Id be saving those Id be around of possible catching something (though in all reality its mostly cramping pain which we all know is not contagious, but hey if it helps my guilt) I guess I will just wait and see when its time to go.

So our house is painted, no trim yet though I did ask one of the contractors what color we get, and its an ugly yellow. Lucky us. Now our house will look like Halloween colors. I still want to know who the hell picked out the ugly ass colors and why. I'm assuming it was the cheapest, hopefully they love the complaints everyone is sending there way over the crappy paint job and ugly colors. Now we await the application of the trim and fence being painted and I can put all our things back in the yard. I just want my yard back.

My daughter has turned into a smart ass. For example today I stepped on one of her very hard toys and it hurt. As I grabbed my foot trying not to curse because little ears were in the room I reminded her to keep her toys picked up if she was done playing with them. 5 minutes later when I came back into the living room she calls me over to where the toys were and says "watch me mommy" and she steps over her toys, then she puts her hands on her hips and says "see, if you watch where you are walking you wont step on my toys" who knew a 4 year old could make you feel so small and worse have such attitude? OK, that's not true, I knew she has attitude, she gets it from her brother and me (poor Chris) the joys of having them grow up and actually become teenagers, cant I just keep them small forever?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm trapped in my house. I cant get out and no one can get in. I cant even look out the windows anymore. So whats going on you ask? Well we are getting our house painted. We should have gotten a notice that said "tomorrow starting at 7am we will begin painting on your street" that would have been nice, but nope, that didn't happen. Luckily for Chris and Jordan they started on the back of the house taping up the windows so they could escape out the front of the door, but now I'm wondering how are they going to get back in? I awoke this morning to the sound of the workmen walking on my roof and talking outside my window about the dog poop in the yard, the whole 3 piles of it since I had picked it up the day before (our dog shits allot OK) hey, if I would have gotten a notice I would have picked it up, but no notice, no picked up dog poop. See usually I pick up the dog crap every morning after Jordan leaves for school, but seeing as my backyard was filled with strangers and I couldn't get out the backdoor I decided they can deal, how nice of me right?

I'm not sure what color our house will be. Ive seen yellow, green and that's it so far. Someone told us they heard salmon colored, ick. I hope its like a red then and not orange or pink, or better yet that whoever heard salmon was dead wrong. I wish I could go out and look. Good thing we didn't have anything big planned today seeing as we really cant leave. I was supposed to go across the street to my friends house but I'm pretty sure she will understand. My only real concern is the dog, the dog who needs to eat, and pee and poop and cant go outside, poor pup.

So that's my excitement for the day. Lucky me.

Other news here in the household. The Military has screwed up our pay again. They have screwed up our pay more times since we have gotten to this command just over a year ago then they have since Chris has been in the military, I'm sorry but I want my pay fixed, like pronto. Unfortunately the people who need to fix it are never in the office, do they not work? Why cant my husband have their job? Instead my husband is never home, being sent off to all these different places for training and works long ass hours.

Jordan had a doctors appointment yesterday at the Naval hospital. The first time he was seen there and I really hope the last. The nurse practitioner who checked him out made us feel like the worlds worst parents. Like we were stupid and dumb, it sucked. She didn't listen to our concerns at all and half the time would ask us a question and while we were in the middle of answering it make a phone call or cut us off and start talking about something else. The worst part was our son, who was not there for an exam had the horrible experience of the lady laying him back, reaching into his pants un-announced and examining his private area. Now to me, every time he has gone in before they announce to him and to me what they are going to do so they don't scare him, Jordan was scared this time, poor boy. Then to make matter worse instead of referring us to the place in town that was recommended she is refering us to a place over and hour and a half away. Did I mention we have to drive 2 a month there? oh, and they close at 4pm so we have to pull Jordan out of school for half a day. I left that appointment one pissed off mom.

See what a happy, exciting life we lead? Yeah, anyway...

The weather here has been perfect. Sunny, in the high 70s even the low 80s and just beautiful out. So beautiful that we decided that we would catch a ferry over to Seattle this weekend, and now the damn forecast is calling for rain and the temp to be in the 60s. Not the best type of day to spend walking around pikes place with two kids. I'm hoping for a turn around, but if not I guess the kids will have to settle for a day at the indoor pool or a trip to Cabelas. Yes, my kids consider Cabelas fun, and they love to go. What a silly family I have.

Speaking of my silly family, last night at swim practice, only the second one Chris has come with me he disappeared halfway threw with the promise to be right back. I didn't think anything of it thinking maybe he saw a friend or went to get something to drink, but after I had gotten the kids dried off and we were getting ready to head outside to look for the missing husband he showed back up with a grin on his face that showed he had been up to something. He had walked across the street to the NEX to purchase Star wars force unleashed for PS3 because he had just remembered it came out that day, his excuse was he wanted to surprise Jordan, but who do you think was up all night playing that game? By the time dinner was done, and homework and reading a chapter of his book Jordan had to head off to be leaving Chris the only player. Men and their video games.

Off to make some more puppy chow for the kids (and me too, that stuff is good)

I forgot to post this, and now as Im about to post it I see what color my house is being painted and its horrible, it is a orange color and so ugly, plus we have blue trim on our house, they so better change that because the color orange they picked and the color blue we have wont go together. Its not even a pretty orange either. I blame my husband because the other day he was joking how we would get an orange house and now we have one. I wonder who picked the colors, because they are all ugly, I mean whatever happend to a nice shade of green, or blue? Why ugly colors that look like crap? Yes, you are allowed to laugh, because If I drove by these houses and saw the ugly colors Id laugh too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nothing out of the ordinary

I haven't felt like writing lately, notice the lack of posts? I really wasn't in the mood tonight either and yet here I am doing just that. We will see if I actually post this one or just delete it when Im done, which I have been known to do.

So why the lack of enthusiasm to write? Busy, stressed, and my heart just isn't in it. Allot surprisingly has been going on lately, even with my husband off in a different state for work (which you all know, and yes, I still miss him like crazy) Besides the usual dealing with the kids, looking at houses online that I want to buy (but I know we wont because we cant afford the 300,000 payments right now unless a certain husband sold his truck which I wont ask him to do) Cleaning and doing my usual trying to re-organize the house so all of our stuff that once fit into our old 2400 square foot home now fits into the 1300 square foot home, which is very hard to do and why after living here a year I am still trying to make things work for us. The garage is officially a playroom, meaning on those rainy days which there are allot of here I have to run with the kids from the front door to which ever vehicle we are taking, not fun. We have spent a fortune on storage shelving for the house and garage and I'm about done, or so I think, with actually making things work. Now the white walls are getting to me but I really don't have the energy to paint them (plus when we move we have to paint them back the boring white) The kids have started swimming, which they love. Hannah loves water, the smile on her face while she is in swim class is so big and she does so well too, even after today's little episode where she almost drowned she wasn't afraid of the water, though now I have officially become a hovering mother at the edge of the pool. See the kids do half the class with floaties on and half without them on. This happened when she didn't have the floaties on. The class is 2-4 year old's mainly and when its not the kids turn they have to hang on to the edge shelf and wait. Hannah has never had a problem before and always hung on, but today I happened to look over from the benches the parents have to sit on and saw my little girl about a foot away from the wall, her little arms flailing about as she bobbed under the water, she did good at trending water but you could tell she was panicked and I was a little pissed off that the lifeguard who was inches in her perch above the water did nothing so I ran over, laid down on the pool deck and reached out till I could grab her and pulled her to the water, it was at this point her teachers and the lifeguard who was talking to friends noticed what was happening and offered their apologizes. Yeah, as I said I will be the mom hovering over her daughter when its not her turn and she does not have floaties on. I understand that things happen, but why have a lifeguard when she is to busy chatting up friends to do her job? and I don't blame the teachers for what happened though I do blame them for having more kids in their class then they are supposed to have (10 is the max) so why do they take on kids who just show up and pay the day they want to start instead of saying "sorry, class is full" that's my grip. Luckily Hannah wasn't turned off by the water, though class ended shortly after that so we will see Thursday when we go back if she will be scared or go on in like she usually does. It was cute but as we were in the dressing room changing she said "mom, that was terrifying, I was freaking out" I couldn't help but laugh and hug her. I think next time I put her in swimming she will go to the early swim class during the day when its less busy meaning less kids. The class before hers only has like 4 or 5 kids in it.

Then there is the drama with my son. My son who thinks the world should be handed to him on a silver platter. He is at the age where listening to mommy doesn't happen. Where he stomps off and says "I hate my life" yes, its a lovely stage (sarcasm there) I tell him to go to bed, he turns off the lights and plays with toys in his bed, or his DS (until that got taken away last night) I ask if he has homework he says no, but when I check his bag there is homework. Isn't it to early for the defiant stage? I mean he had it somewhat before, but now its horrible. Lucky me huh? He is a good boy, he reads for 30 minutes a night, he picks up the dreaded dog poo that I hate picking up and he helps with other things around the house. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the new friends he has started to hang around with or not, but something has changed. Speaking of Change he got glasses. He is not happy about them, but he has them and to his dismay he has to wear them. He came home today all upset saying a kid in his class called him a freak because of his glasses, to which I told him that he will always have to deal with kids who are mean and rude and for him to not get upset over what some kid said. Sadly in life there will always be those people who just are asses.

The joy Chris misses out on when he is gone, and its only been 2 weeks, imagine all he will miss and hear about when he goes out for several months?

So yeah, life to say the least has been interesting, exhausting, stressful, busy and so much more. Is it sad that I am actually looking forward to next year when Hannah goes to school so I can work? I miss working, and yes, I know that I am insane.

Off to do many more things (like clean up the outside since we got a notice saying they will be painting our house soon even though we were told we had over a month) somehow I have to figure out how to move my patio table from the backyard to the garage by myself, what fun. I think I will wait and ask my neighbors son and his friends to move it, seems like a much better Idea doesn't it?