I cant sleep. Not much of a surprise since this is usual when Chris isn't here. Its not that I'm scared, but it just feels weird not having him here. I miss him like crazy and hope more then anything these next several weeks hurry up and pass by so it doesn't seem so long. I hate the idea he wont be here for trick or treating with the kids. He usually misses Halloween and though I'm thankful he has only missed one Christmas because that's a big holiday for us I wish he could be here for all holidays and other important events. It sucks really. Though this weekend wasn't so bad seeing as they made a port call to San Diego. Not sure why they had a port call shortly after they left here, I suppose for the single sailors who want to get our and have fun, but speaking from a wife's point of view I would have rather had my husband here for that time and them left a little later. I get that they want to keep the moral up of the crew but I want my husband, and yes I know that is selfish. This would only be Chris's second port call in the 7 plus years he has been in. The first one was to Cocoa Beach, FL and we lived 3 hours away so I was able to visit him there and it was a blast. I just wish we could have visited him in San Diego, but we really don't have the money or the time off to take a trip down there, but I was happy to settle with web cam and phone calls for a few days. The funny thing is it makes it harder when he leaves again. You go from saying goodbye in person when he leaves us to getting excited that suddenly after not being able to talk at all for awhile to getting that change to having to say goodbye via the phone and going several more weeks without communication except for maybe an email here and there if it gets transmitted. It makes it hard again after you start getting used to them not being here. My what a depressing blog this is turning out to be.
Hannah has taken to telling knock knock jokes. There not very good or make much sense but she loves telling them. She also has a new imaginary friend that is a spider. She hates bugs but loves her little non-existent spider friend. She is blossoming each day, more so then ever before. She is like a sponge and sucks up knowledge every chance she can. Its cute to have her tell me about things she has learned. I kick myself because I keep meaning to pull out the video camera and always forget (reminder to self to leave it downstairs so its handy) like yesterday she gathered as many hard covered books as she could, made tents out of them and put her stuffed animals in them. When I asked her what she was doing she informed me that she was protecting them from the monster. Going into great detail about the monster and how scared they were and how she was the only one that could protect them. She then informed me I had to be very quiet so the monster wouldn't hear us and then went to hide in the fort she made for herself out of my living room couch pillows and the coffee table. She is so ready for school.
Jordan still is pretty much the same. He is still a hardcore boy. He gets dirty, he loves to run and play outside. He rides his bike though he favors he scooter because he loves trying to do tricks on the thing. We have woods over by the park and him and his friends spend hours playing in them. He loves his video games and is not thrilled that I have taken away game privilege's till the weekend. So yeah, nothing new with him. He is growing, needs new jeans (both of my kids are growing actually) He suddenly is in love with hooded sweatshirts. He used to hate them because he said they were uncomfortable but now its all he wants to wear. Good thing he has several but I'm thinking of buying a few more because its cold here now and he really, really likes them. He must take after me in the whole hoodie thing since its what I love to wear too in the fall/winter. I must have like 30 hooded sweatshirts in my closest.
Chris always kids with me that the kids look like him but are mostly like me, which isn't always a good thing. I'm very stubborn at times and I really don't want them to be that stubborn too.
The joys of motherhood. I could never imagine life without them, even when things get hectic or they are acting up I love being a mom.
I really should force myself to bed, though I know I will toss and turn and lay there awake till 3 or 4 am only to feel like a zombie tomorrow, which isn't fun since I have a ton of things I have to do tomorrow, so being in a zombie like state just wouldn't work.
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