Monday, December 1, 2008

Lets just flip a coin

OK, so I am going crazy with deciding where we will move too next. I know, its already been mentioned in 2 other post's, but I need to put my thoughts somewhat down and here seemed like a good idea.

These are the three choices we have for Chris sticking with projects, which he wants. That really is the only thing he wants, as for the where we move too, he does not seem to care which leaves the ball in my court (by the way, thanks honey) Why is it so hard for him to just help me decide? I mean this is a decision that affects the whole family. Its frustrating and I want to scream. Last night I got so mad at him as I made an pros and con's list for each duty station and he just sat there acting like he did no hear me at all. So finally I gave up and said "whatever, you choose where we move too, I don't care, I'm sick of this" and left. Well I went upstairs, I did not actually leave the house.

As I said Hawaii is a big step in the moving process. Yeah, I know how beautiful would it be to live there? And I so badly want to go, but the two biggest problems that arise are my kids education and the worry that Chris might get stuck on the island. See after he is done with shore duty he goes back to sea duty, and they might say "your here, and your staying here" which means going back to a fast attack boat, which is kind of what he is on now, and I don't know if you have noticed but he is never, ever home and until he leaves this command it will be about the same, with him always being gone. So yeah, I don't want to go back to a fast attack unless we have too.

D.C. Is still there. You know the job that was offered to my husband and he really wants. Again though problems arise. We have to extend 8 months, meaning we will move middle of the school year for the kids instead of in the summer. We also take a risk with his current command saying no to the extension and even if he can extend he will spend those 8 months gone, leaving me alone to set up the move and a place to live in DC which trust me with two kids is not easy.

Lastly there is Staying here. Yeah, I know. Everyone thinks its beautiful here. Its green and pretty and the mountains in the distance. I love Seattle, and hiking and going over to the beaches on the pacific ocean, but it rains allot. Its always wet, and its depressing. I hate housing here, its to expensive and to small for what you get. Yeah, staying here does not make me happy. I sound like a snob but some places are better suited for people and others are not, I fall in the are not category when it comes to living here.

So yeah, I give up. I say whatever he picks is fine with me, and truly it is, even if we stay here. I mean he is choosing his job, and that is what matters the most. He should like what he does right? So we will see, let this little drama I guess you could call it play out and we will see what the orders say where our life will take us. I will obviously let everyone know, even if you don't care. I keep waiting for Chris to come home and say "honey, we are going here" maybe then I can stop stressing some, not like orders can not be changed, hell its happened to us twice before we came here. So even once we have them in hand I am not holding my breath.

OK, I'm sure you are sick of my complaints. Ill stop now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

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