Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 2009 Sub ball pictures

The above picture is just people dancing. No I am not in it, I just wanted to capture the moment to show people who were curious what its like at a Sub ball. 
Again Im not in this one, just taking random pictures
More dancing people.

Hey, one I am finally in. This is me(the one with the flask) My friends Racheal (the one in the strapless black dress) and Amy (the one in the silver dress) and Joni (Im so probably spelling her name wrong) who is in the black halter dress.
Us girls again. We are about to get our dance on.

Me taking a breather between songs because this was at the end of the night, I had a buzz and my feet hurt.
Amy and I at nights end goofing off and playing around with the camera.
Showing some leg for the hubby
Me being silly and Racheal looking very drunk.
Me dancing with Amy and her husband Mark
Us girls and our flasks. We were smart and brought our own drinks.
Resting again.
Amy, her husband Mark and me down stairs at the In and out cafe where they had more dancing and a bar
Racheal's husband Todd and us
Me and home before going to bed because I was being silly
This is the cake cutting ceremony after dinner (and before the dancing) where they get the longest qualified Submarine Veteran and the newest cut the cake
Amy giving me bunny ears while we are waiting for dinner.
Before the ball. Ignore the hair, I know I look like Shirley temple and it so did not turn out the way it was supposed too.
Another Leg shot

All pretty and ready for the ball.

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