Do you ever have one of those days where your kids are just driving you nuts? You guessed it, I'm having one of those days. It started with Hannah getting up before me and playing with her peg puzzles next to my side of the bed, then leaving all the pieces there for me to step on when I woke up. Then there was Jordan not wanting to get up this morning for school and going back to bed so that was a struggle getting him out the door and off to school. Then the dog wants to be a butt head and not come inside but would rather sit on top of my new patio table, and I know Gracie is not my kids, but she is my dog, and there for apart of the family. Hannah all day has been testing her limits, and with all there is to do around here I don't have time for her to be a little stinker.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids, they are adorable, sweet children most of the time, but today its like they woke up and thought "lets push Mommy's buttons so she goes crazy" Why couldn't they do this when Chris was here, not off on a work related travel trip, at least then I can have help or get a small break when he is home at night. I should be a pro, I mean he's traveled lots of times, and done many deployments so it just being me and the kids is not un-common, but today Id say is just a bad day for me, and a stressed, busy day too. Now if Hannah would just go upstairs and clean her room for me things would get better. She helps pick up at everyone Else's house after playing but here she assumes Ill pick it up for her, a habit I need to break.
Speaking of my Angels who have some temper meltdowns and a sneaky side to them occasionally, something happened. Hannah has always been good when we go out. Never that I can recall has she had a meltdown in public and thrown a temper tantrum. Jordan did when he was younger, but Hannah never had, until last weekend that is. We were at Toys r us, and they had a display of playhouses up and one was a Disney princess playhouse that she loved. She played in it for along time, and didn't want to get out when I told her we had to go get what we came for. Well as we were walking by the playhouse again there was another little girl in there playing and Hannah lost it. She threw herself on the ground and started to cry and scream "get her out of my house mommy, that's my house, she cant play in my house" I at this point picked her crumpled self off the floor, handed Chris the toy he was to buy and took her to the car where she continued her fit. Yeah, my face was red with embarrassment to say the least. The funny thing was we had already picked up the same playhouse for Hannah as a birthday present. I hope that was a one time thing, but she is only 3 (hey, she turns 4 in a month) she is still young and probably will throw many more fits, especially as she is as I said earlier pushing the limits.
And why does she right now feel the need to pull out the clothing I just put into the suitcase and throw them on the floor? I have a feeling its going to take me forever to pack up the 4 of us, and I hate packing.
I need a spa day.
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