Its still really nice out, and gasp, its supposed to get into the 80's (at least last I checked) with no forecast of rain (again last I checked) I love this weather. Its not too hot, there is a breeze and its a perfect day. I have all the windows open, Ive missed that over the winter months here. The breeze drifting in and out of the house, hearing the birds first thing in the morning as you wake up, this is my kind of weather.
Anyway that's not the point of my post, just a pleasant up side to my day.
So I am going to tell you a secret, but don't laugh okay, I know I'm not the only person who does this. Ive already started Christmas shopping for the kids. See, I think I hear some of you laughing. To defend myself Ive so far only bought things on sale, and for Hannah seeing as Jordan is at the hard stage to buy for and his taste is always changing, where as Hannah is in the stage of all things girl that usually lasts a long time. Toys r us in town had a huge clearance with an additional 20% off that, so we bought things we knew she would like. Hey, in days were everything but our paychecks is going up every penny saved is something, and that's from someone who never used to clip coupons or search for deals. Plus we always have started early, never this early but it helps not putting things on credit cards and still giving the kids a good Christmas, and debt is one things we don't want to be in for future goals of course. The tricky part of this is hiding what we buy from little eyes. Our house isn't that big and there isn't many places we can hide things so here is hopping under our bed (well the things that fit under there) will work. And yes, I'm well aware I have issues.
Speaking of little houses I really miss my old house. Well okay its not my house anymore seeing as we sold it making it someone Else's house, but I still miss it. The huge backyard with the high fence, the big garage and attic, the lovely big fridge that cost more then my wedding ring, all the big rooms, okay you get the idea. It was the best house EVER! well for us it was the best, and going from that to military housing and losing lots of square feet and going from a big backyard to a little one sucks. I keep wanting to buy a house, all our friends are moving out and I have the bug to buy too but I know it defeats the point, we wont be here long enough (2 more years, remember?) and to buy a house here for the same sq feet we are currently living in would cost us $1600-1700 a month not including utility's. So I can wait, and shoo the house buying bug off my shoulder and wait and save like planned. I can do it, yes I can....but I still miss my old house, and GA for that matter, just not the bugs, I cant begin to tell you of all the icky Black widow spiders that liked to make homes in the garage or on the outside of the house...I don't miss those. I have shivers up my spine just thinking about it.
I know, this is a very random blog full of random stuff, but I'm bored and avoiding doing the things that have to be done.
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