Friday, March 6, 2009

The missing blog

I had written a post last night but deleted it this morning. I guess I really do care about hurting people and there for lost my back bone and deleted it before someone stumbled upon it and got upset by what I wrote, even though its how I feel, and how my husband feels. I am to nice sometimes in caring about people who really don't seem to care when they do something to hurt me, my kids or my husband. 

The point of the disappearing blog was people who seem to get pissed off at something they themselves do. I know its common and most people do not realize they too are doing the same thing they are upset about, but that was the blog which is now gone.

Why do I care so much about hurting peoples feelings? Why do I have to feel bad when I say or do something that really does need to be said? I hate not being more mean sometimes. I hate that I can say "I don't care" when really I do. 

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