Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks Marcoda

What are your middle names?
Amber and Michael
How Long Have you been together?
Which time. We have dated like 3 times, the third leading into marriage. We have been married for almost 7 years, and dated for a total of almost a year in a half Id say between all the times we dated. Its complicated, trust me.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Chris and I met when I was 14, we did not start dating the first time till I was 16 or 17 (I forget) We were friends for awhile.
Who asked whom out?
Chris asked me out, over and over and over and over for weeks on end until I finally said yes. I will admit that I had a boyfriend at the time (I know, shame on me) which was the main reasons for all the "no's" and Chris knew this, he also at the time was so not my type at all, we were great friends, but I never saw myself dating him, and now we are married with kids and I could not imagine being with anyone else. Sappy, I know, but true.
How old are each of you?
He is 29, I am 27 (He just turned 29, and I will turn 28 in a few months)
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Well, thats a hard one since we live in Washington and all our siblings live elsewhere. Plus with Chris's schedule its hard to get home and when we do it just varies on season and other peoples schedules with who we see the most. I think we see everyone about the same for those 2 weeks we usually get to MN.
Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
The military issue. I am proud of my husband and we will more than likely choose to stay in but its hard. We have spent more time apart than together, he is always on deployments or travel and its a strain. We make it work, but sometimes I want to throw up my hands and scream and say "enough, lets get out, buy a house we can live at for longer than 3 years and be near our families" there are times I want him home. When the kids are sick, of for holidays. Thats part of being a military family though, feeling like a single mom allot of the time. Going months without seeing or talking to your spouse and dealing with things while he is gone.
Did you go to the same school?
Nope. We went to totally different schools, though his was basically down the street from mine.
Are you from the same hometown?
Who is smarter?
Well I am going to look at this two ways. In math he is by far way smarter than me and I am thankful Jordan takes after his dad in that aspect. Where I am smarter in most other aspects, except science, However overall, Id say he is, and I am not just saying this because his mom told him he was stupid growing up but because he has to learn and retain allot of information in the military and he knows allot of things I could not begin to comprehend because of that (not like I am allowed to know) Im not saying I am dumb, just that I think his life experiences have made him smarter.
Who is the most sensitive?
Me. Hands down. Im working on that though and I think I have gotten a great deal better than I was. 
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don't eat out often. We usually do take out twice a month and sit down maybe once a month if not every other month. Quiznos and Arbys are the two places we eat at most for fast food and Famous Dave's for sit down (Thats Chris's favorite place and seeing as he spends allot of time eating yucky boat food I let him pick)
Where is the furthest you have ever traveled together as a couple?
When we moved from GA to WA, not granted that was a military move, but its the farthest we have traveled, otherwise from WA to MN when we go home to visit.
Who has the Craziest Exes?
Luckily for us neither has a crazy ex, at least not that we know of. Though his ex did become a step cousin when her mom married his uncle and that can be kind of awkward but there are no crazy exes. 
Who has the worst temper?
That used to be me. I was the one with the temper and Chris was the mellow never seemed bothered by anything type, and somewhere I pretty much lost my temper (for the most part) and he got one, I blame the military on that one, but I understand why, now he is the one with the worst tempter.
Who does the cooking?
I do. Chris cant cook worth a darn, his parents never taught him, in fact I don't think they ever really cooked and had a sit down dinner much growing up so homemade food was a foreign concept to him. I actually love cooking, though Id be much happier if I could add things or make things my husband hates, he really is the pickiest eater I have ever met. I mean the guy hates all seafood, steak, most veggies, sour cream, mayo, pork, trust me the list goes on. 
Who is the neat freak?
I am. This is the one thing that can get me super pissy, super fast. I can accept a small mess, but when the house becomes cluttered and gets to a certain point, well beware.
Who is more stubborn?
Chris. Oh my god, that one is all Chris, I used to be stubborn, but there is no room for two stubborn people in this relationship. I have stories that would have you laughing your ass off.
Who hogs the bed?
Let me put it this way. We had to buy a king sized bed so Chris would stop pushing me out of the queen like he tended to do. I sleep on the very side of the bed all curled up and rarely move. He flops around and tosses and turns ALLOT! 
Who wakes up earlier?
He does. He has to be at work way early plus the commute so he is often out of the house by 6AM. On the days he can sleep in however I am the one who often gets up first because of the kids and I try to be nice and let him sleep in since he does not get that often.
Where was your first date?
Ha, I remember it very clearly. We went to see Titanic shortly after it came out, we had to sit way up front and off to the side and when we left our necks hurt from looking up. 
Who is more jealous?
I don't think either of us are jealous, not really that I see anyways.
How long did it take you to get serious?
We did not get serious until the part two of our relationship, and in the end we still broke up over a huge misunderstanding. As for Part three that lead to marriage, well we got back together on New Years Eve, were engaged by Valentines day and married on Fourth of July. 
Who eats more?
Chris. I actually save money when he is gone because I don't have to keep all the foods he eats when he is here. I am a nibbler usually.
Who does the laundry?
Again, this would be me. I do most cleaning, dishes, cooking and laundry. I am the stay at home one so I get this, plus no offense to my husband he sucks at allot of the house hold chores and the few times he has done laundry he has shrunk things (including the one time he tried to be nice and wash my brand new tops all which needed to be washed on delicate in hot water and than dried them on heavy duty and they all shrunk, he felt so bad) so yeah, I do the laundry and because of it I often get right after we crawl into bed "honey, I forgot my uniforms for work need to be washed" 
Who is better with the computer?
Considering my husband used to build his own computers with parts Id have to say he is. I can use one, but he knows the most about them. He is very computer smart.
Who drives when you are together?
My husband has driven through New York City and LA at rush hour, plus many other cities and there for he does, because he can handle the stress of the road much better that I can. Plus I hate to drive, and I do mean Hate. I didn't in GA but here and in the bigger cities I turn into a nervous wreck.

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