Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Me verses the laptop

Why did I buy my husband a new laptop? For the last few days Chris has done nothing but play on his laptop. I know its new, and its a mac book and he has never had a mac book except when I let him use mine, so for him to get his dream computer after a few months of pouting over wanting one I know he cant help himself and I should have expected this, but still, I want attention!

I keep rubbing it in his face that he could of had an apple computer much sooner but at one point he thought they were evil, and so only 2 years ago when he bought a new laptop he refused to even look at them. Then I went out and bought one and he fell in love with it, see, he should just learn to except that I am always right and apples are very cool and neat. Not that his old laptop was not, its just for what we like Apples honestly are better suited for us. So now he has one too.

Its really my fault. I was the one that said "fine, buy one" if I had not of opened my big mouth Id be getting all sorts of time with my husband, but just like with the kids I feel the need to spoil Chris as well, plus I feel like he deserves it for all he does and how much he is gone. So while we were at Best buy picking out a new digital camera to replace the old one which might I add was only a year old we wondered over to the Apples and Chris spent a good thirty minutes playing with them, talking to the sales guy and than pouting and finally I said the magic words "fine, if you want it buy it" I think I surprised him seeing as that's a fairly big purchase for a spur of the moment thing we really did not need and he looked at me like I was setting him up or it was a trick. Finally after 10 minutes of me reassuring him its not a trick and the salesman saying they only had one left of the model Chris wanted he agreed, and purchased his brand new prize. 

And now I am lonely and neglected and sitting here next to my husband both of us on our macs while Hannah sits between us watching her cartoons as we share a bag of pretzel goldfish crackers, but hey at least this way we are semi doing things together and we do talk while we play. Not the ideas I had in mind for today, but its working and its kind of nice, and lazy, especially for the very icky day outside because its snowing. I was so done with the snow and starting to enjoy the more sunnier skies and warmer weather. Summer cannot come fast enough. 

I am off to take a shower, usually that is enough to make my husband stop what he is doing and join me. Ha, even his new computer cant compete with that! Or I hope not, this might be the one time I am wrong. We shall see, but its worth a try.

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