Monday, November 10, 2008

The ramblings of a sleep deprived me.

Already my possible row one tickets are now possible row three tickets, still not bad but without a husband to tell my "yes honey, get the tickets, I will be there" I stare at ticket masters website thinking "should I or shouldn't I?" I'm tempted to tell my mom that we want tickets for this show for Christmas and screw the need for bras from Victoria secrets. Of course that does not change Chris not being able to go if he cant but hey, I could always bring a friend right? I never said what we wanted to go see, and no its nothing like a cool concert just Bill Engvall who we love!!!! What really pisses me off is a few days ago I heard some of the best words in my life "You have a phone tree message" It was on my machine and my first thought was "yes, hubby is coming home" yeah, no not so much what I had hopped for, instead it was the opportunity to send a letter to the hubby which by all means is still a great thing, just not compared to the hopes of a husband home by now. However I did not know about this concert until after the letters were sent off. This is so going to bug me until I choose to be bold and spend the money even though I am a huge stickler for saving, and hope for the best, or just say "forget it, we will see him some other time" Damn my indecisiveness this is driving me rather nuts, but Im sure you can tell by basically a repeat post of the same ramblings from a few hours earlier. I would just bring a friend and say forget Chris and money would not be wasted, a babysitter could be found (seeing as the friend I would bring currently is the babysitter) and I would get to go, but that would not be to fair to the husband who if he was here would be left behind and not happy for he too would want to go. Im just not that mean to leave my husband out like that. 

OK, Im stopping now, no really, I am. Enough over thinking and freaking out. Deep breaths, and I am moving on. Better, nope, not really.

My daughter is living in an imaginary world of make believe. Good for her using her imagination, though her imagination is starting to get into trouble. for instance her friend from ballet class ate all the M&M's today. Even though Hannah's hands were the ones covered in the dye from the candy. Every time she gets into trouble she blames her imaginary friends for doing whatever it was that got her into trouble, and the look she gives you as she spins the story is so cute you want to laugh instead of lecture. Currently her imagination is on a ballet class she attends with a very nice teacher who told her to practice twirling and jumping on our bed and all her friends in the class. Oh and I guess according to her teacher she needs a pink ballet dress (her words, not mine) And before you go assuming she has no friends and that is why she is using her imagination she does have friends. I think its wanting to go off to school with Jordan and her love for Ballet. In our house it never gets boring, Hannah makes sure of that. 

She still doesn't have much hair. I have been giving her vitamins with Iron in them to help promote healthy hair growth but its hard to tell. I imagine if its a vitamin deficiency verses the short hair anagen syndrome it will take a few months to notice, though I swear I see the slightest of growth, but then that is the hoping and wanting I think more then the actual seeing. The other day we were out at the grocery store and some lady had the nerve to walk up to me glaring like I was so horrible monster and asked me "what in earth did you do to that child's hair" and then walked away before I could even respond. I actually get this allot. Do people really think I shave or cut my daughters hair to make her look bald? Maybe I should just dress her up like a boy and people will think nothing of the barely any hair thing and leave us alone with their rude comments, though that would require a whole new wardrobe and I think Chris would veto that idea pretty fast. (And yes, I am kidding about actually passing her off as a boy)

And why is it my son has school tomorrow but not on Tuesday? I get why they don't have school on Tuesday with it being Veterans day, but Jordan was not happy about going to bed at 9PM to get up for school tomorrow and then have Tuesday off. He tried talking me into letting him stay home tomorrow which I admit I almost caved in and agreed upon but off to school he must go and learn new things. Still, It would have been nice to let the kids have a 4 day long weekend, but I don't make up the rules.

See, my life is exciting. Kids and dogs and husbands who are away due to work. I'm off to install games onto my new mac laptop (I've had this thing for over a month and still haven't done that yet, I think its about time) or better yet I could try to get some sleep since its already 1 in the morning, but what fun would that be.

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