Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sleepless in Seattle, or should I say sleepless west of Seattle

I cant sleep. I have been up since 5AM (on a Sunday!!!) and I just cant seem to fall back asleep. So from about 5AM to now I have been reading Jenny the military spouse comics (they are so cute and so many I find myself saying "that's how I feel" especially the ones in the beginning when she started to publish them in 2005, there is one where they have the packers come and pack everything up super fast before you even realize they have done a room. I learned fast you make sure anything you do not want packed is out of the house. They once packed up my purse. A purse I needed and I had no idea which box it was in. I had a friend who said they packed up a bowl of Onions and another who said they packed up her kids diaper bag that had two filled bottles in them. They are fast, and its best to stay out of the way. When we moved from GA to here we sat outside on lawn chairs and waited, it did not take them long at all either and we have allot of stuff. I remember when I moved from MN to GA no one told me that they pack for you if you are having professional movers take your things so I spent days packing only to sit and watch them unpack and repack my stuff.  

My other favorite one of hers is one in the Feb. 2006 archives that's titled "Lets move in" I have only done this twice. The first time was when I arrived in Kingsland with no idea of what to expect and Chris had to work leaving me to man the checking of the lists and watching over Jordan who at the time was 3. The second was when we moved here, and again I was in charge of the movers and checking off the boxes. It is crazy because you have many movers carrying things in and all are yelling off numbers and you have sheets of paper you have to flip threw to find those numbers and mark them off. Next time I think I might actually need a better strategy planned out to save my sanity, but hey both times I did manage it. 

Sorry about the flash backs of my memories.

Anyway, besides reading the comics at her site and listening to music on my Ipod I have nothing else to do. There is nothing good on TV, and I could get up and start the day but yesterday was similar to today where I got up way to early for a weekend and have been very sleep deprived for sometime now making my body feel like it wants to sleep, sadly my brain just wont have it. 

So what better way to pass the time then blog? Even if it is a blog from a very sleep deprived me. I really have no point to this blog either except to pass the time. I have realized though that I tend to hold back what I really want to say, not just on here but when I interact with other people as well. I think its my complex of trying to hard to make people like me and partly because I am shy. I also hate letting my guard down and to really let go and discuss on here things I want to discuss I feel like I am risking myself to be wounded, if that makes any sense. Maybe one day I will explain in more detail on how I got this way, but for now I will keep my lips sealed, and even though New Years Eve has been over for sometime now I decided that will be my Resolution, to not hold back so much for fear of hurting others, not that I intend to be a bitch, but I am way to overly cautious and think I might benefit more from this blog and if I say how I really feel about things.

Anyway back to reading my comics.

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