Friday, January 2, 2009

A very sucky day

So today was a very sucky day. My husband left for sea, again. This will be a very long year as he wont be back for a very, very, very long time. See what I mean by sucky huh? I guess it would not be so bad but between Christmas and his family visiting (they left today as well) we did not get the time together I wish we could have. You know those moments to just sit and relax and talk. To cuddle up and watch a movie. Instead we have spent most of December doing many other things where we didn't have the time to really just stop and breath. I really miss him. Of course needing my wisdom teeth out did not help either with getting more time together, instead I have been not the most happy go lucky person in pain.

So yeah today sucks, tomorrow will suck and pretty much the next week will suck until I get into the routine of him being gone, and once my mouth/jaw feels better too.

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