Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just another crappy day

There is only one good thing about today. It was sunny and warm and I got to wear a tank top and sit in the sun while my kids played outside. I also gave Gracie a bath too and let her sit in the sun and dry off.

Now for the rest of the sucky day.

People are pissing me off. Rude, mean, asshole of people. I wanted to full out punch someone today but I did not because that is not who I am plus Hannah was with me and that would not be a good example for her.

I ran to the store and the person and the store refused to price match though I know they do it because they did it last week and he was such a jerk about it too. I mean really could you not be nicer to customers? (and no I was not having an attitude with him though he was a jerk even before I set my stuff on the counter and I only got defensive when I tried to explain all the times they priced matched stuff even as early as last week) and he was all "well I don't know where you have been shopping but we have never done that and if you dont like our policy then you can go shop elsewhere" So I walked away leaving all my stuff on the counter to pissed to care about buying it nor having this jerk ring me up. Of course when I got home I realized I needed a few of those things like now so I will have to go back out (to a different store) and get what I need.

Then I get home to make Enchiladas for dinner only to realize I am missing an ingredient and my kids were already starving at this point so I had to make Spaghetti instead since I had the stuff to complete the meal and did not want my Hamburger going to waste. Its not what I have been craving all day but it works, though the damn jar or Spaghetti sauce wanted to not unscrew and I sat there for 10 minutes (well it felt like ten minutes) cursing the jar and banging it on the counter.

And to top it all off I am still sick. Its just the worlds worst cold but it does not make for a very happy me, or a very productive me. I have a few piles of laundry to do and a house to sweep and dust with no desire to do anything else but vent, and then curl up on the couch with some cold medicine and sleep or at least watch some TV. I am so pathetic, I know but hey I can admit that I am a witch when I am sick and a bigger witch when people piss me off with their rudeness.

Lets pray tomorrow is better.

(oh and I called the store and asked for a manager and she said they do indeed price match)

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