Sunday, March 8, 2009

Why did I agree to this again?

Ignore the fact that we are not smiling because at the point of this picture we were a tad bit drunk (or maybe it was more than a tad) and tired from a long night of dancing and it was late. The whole point of this picture is the dress. Remember how I have been talking about needing to buy a dress? Well I am thinking of wearing this one. Granted the picture really does not do it justice, I am slouching and its longer than it should be (I will get that altered if I do wear it again) and there is no real boobage to fill out the top, but hey, they make little cup filler that will help that area out. 

So yeah, my though was why spend allot of money on a brand new princess dress when I have a good dress in my closet that no one but my husband has seen on this side of the coast? And besides my husband wont even be here. I mean why buy a dress he wont see me in? And don't say "you can wear the dress you buy again" I wont, not unless we move away because I'm not one to wear the same dress twice around the same people. Do I sound stuck up? yeah, maybe I am a bit, but that's not what is up for discussion right now.

Its a pretty dress, it wont cost me a dime unless I do get it altered and I wont feel so bad about going to a ball without my husband, not like he would care as long as I don't do anything I should not do, which I wouldn't. 

However I say this now but I have yet to go dress shopping with my friends, which means I may see the most beautiful dress ever and not be able to resist the urge to buy it. Sad huh? I know I said we were supposed to have already gone shopping but sick kids prevented that. 

Why did I agree to go to a ball again without my husband? And when did I get so stingy about money?

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